5 Dead, 28 Injured After Circumcision Goes Wrong in Kenya

Due to problems emerging from circumcision treatments, at least five boys have been confirmed dead and 28 others have been brought to the hospital in Elgeyo Marakwet County.


Some of the 28 patients admitted to the hospital are in the Intensive Care Unit, where doctors are working around the clock to try to save their lives, according to Michael Kibiwot, the county’s health CEC.


Patients in hospitals are reportedly showing signs of septicemia, pneumonia, and bacterial infections.


“It is unfortunate that we have lost five initiates so far, and as we speak, we have one patient in the intensive care unit. These individuals recently underwent the right of passage and circumcision, and they have visited our hospitals with severe pneumonia and septicemia, among other illnesses.”


He made the announcement during a news meeting in Iten town. He elaborated by saying that the lads were in healing camps after undergoing initiation when they developed health problems that killed five and left twenty-eight others hospitalized.


Aiming to persuade parents to bring their children to hospitals for circumcisions, Kibiwott connected the cases to the conditions under which the procedure was performed.


He went on to say that relevant authorities have urged local administrators to check in with initiation camps to make sure everyone is following the rules.


As patients from surrounding counties make their way into the county for treatment, hospitals there have seen an increase in admissions. Severe episodes of pneumonia are among the most common ailments.


The problem arose because locals disregarded health precautions, according to Dr. Isaac Kipyegon, director of health services.


Parents often take advantage of the lengthy December school break to take their children on initiation ceremonies.

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