Kericho Man

Kericho Man Chops Off Wife’s Ears for not Listening to him

Another sad incident was reported in Sigowet-Soin Constituency in Kericho County as a Kericho man chopped off the ears of his beloved wife for disobeying him and not heading to his instructions or listening to him.

Mr. Peter Nthiga who is the Sigowet-Soin Sub County Police Commander confirmed that it is indeed true that the incident happened but the man fled the crime of scene. He however said that the police have launched a manhunt on him and he will surely face his consequences when he is found.

The police reports also read that the main reason that led the man to commit the offence of chopping off his wife’s ears is the fact that she failed to follow some simple instructions that the man gave to him.

What is still not clear is the whole discussion that led to that sad incident. The details of the conversation are still scanty but we will unearth them and share them with you once they unfold.

Mr. Peter Nthiga who is the Sigowet-Soin Sub County Police Commander told the residents of that village that there are many amicable ways of sorting out their differences and it does not have to be in a violent manner.

He added that the action that was taken by the man to cut off the ears of his wife is a regrettable action and he is now on the police radar and he will soon be charged in the court of law and he will have to face the consequences of his actions.

If the Kericho man could have resorted to other peaceful ways of solving conflicts, then he could have not found himself in the situation that he has put himself in right now. He is now hiding because he feels like he lacks the freedom of movement that he has deprived himself because of his own actions.


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