Shame as Kitui Priest Arrested for Trying to Kill Secret Lover and Child is Cleared of the Charges

A Catholic Priest by the name of Mwove was arrested and charged for beating his secret lover to a near death experience. He was presented before a Chief Magistrate in Kitui Law Courts.

Reports by the Standard digital news, the priest who heads the Kitui Caucus Priest Council is said to have seriously inflicted pain on the mother and the child and injured them. This is after she threatened to go public with the illicit affair and spill the beans to the public.

According to the reports by the police, the Priest went to where his secret lover was staying with her child and she knocked the door and requested the lover to let her in. The lover complied and let him in.


She however did not know what was awaiting her. The Priest turned violent and harmed his lover and his child. It is said that the lady was seriously beaten by a wooden material and this even made her to be unconscious for some time.

After finishing with the mother of the child, the Priest turned to his own blood child and injured the minor too. This is not right at all because the child committed no offence and he should have not taken his anger to the innocent minor.

The magistrate decided to acquit the suspect after the victim pleaded leniency and forgiveness towards the man of God. They reached an agreement and decided to settle the matter outside the court by agreeing to raise the child together.


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