Mulango Girls High School has been trending after the beautiful photos of the Cultural Day surfaced online. The photos showed how well the girls are endowed with a lot of assets especially on the sitting allowance.
The photos have sparked reactions from netizens who all had varied opinions. Men have been salivating for the beautiful photos and some of them have still refused to believe that, those photos are for High School students.
Some men have even said that they the ladies look like University students and the Cultural Day yes looks like it’s in a High School set up but the students don’t look like High School students.
They have however been warned that, they can just look but they should not go beyond that. They have been urged that they need to focus.
The men have been told that those are high school students and any attempt to try and have an affair with them, will land them into very serious problems with the authorities.
Some people also alleged that, the jail term for having an affair with a student is a minimum of 35 years in jail.
This is indeed more serious and therefore any big person should not attempt to lure the ladies but instead urge them to continue with their studies so that they can pursue their dreams.
This is actually a very good initiative because it helps the ladies who want to be models to start showcasing their talents as early as now.
This will also boost their confidence and it will help them to know how to manage crowds. Modeling has become a career on its own and many people are nowadays making a living out of it.
The students should be encouraged not to give up but to also pursue that career alongside other careers too because they may never know what will pay them after school.