Kevin Bahati revealed in a video with his wife Diana Bahati that he always gives her 1 million shillings as his monthly allowance. In the video, Diana Bahati was seen rushing from the house while Bahati wanted to go out, he had already boarded his vehicle.
Diana Bahati was rushing to their parking saying that his husband is leaving the house without leaving her, the monthly allowance that she should be earning. Bahati asked her the date and she said it was still on 22nd but her monthly allowance was already over.
Diana Bahati added that she needed the money to buy makeup, to make her hair and also buy some new outfits. Bahati was perplexed that his wife had spent 2 Million by the 22nd day of the month yet the month had not yet ended.
Diana Bahati pleaded with his husband to increase that monthly allowance to at least 1.5 million because she is struggling to manage the 1 million because it is too little. According to her, the 1 million cannot meet all her monthly expenses.
Bahati told his wife Diana Bahati that she is misusing money. Diana Bahati on the other side told him that he is his husband and it is his duty to give her money to maintain herself and to also look good for him.
Bahati refuted the claims that she uses the money to look good for him and he said that sometimes Diana Bahati puts on well and looks good but goes outside even if he is not there.
He told her that if she needs money, she knows what to do. He gave her a hint that she has all the Logbooks of the cars that she owns.