Reports have indicated that the Naivas Supermarket family row rages on as daughter files a suit in court. This caught many Kenyans with surprise and they rushed online in order to comment on that sad news.
Majority of them said that this is the beginning of the downfall of Naivas Supermarket because it always starts with the family. They also said that they should learn from Tuskys and learn from that experience.
Some of the people also said that it is very sad that many families that depend on Naivas Supermarket for survival through the employment of their kins will now have to suffer since many people may lose their jobs if the Supermarket will crumble and go on its knees.
Some Kenyans also commented that the children should go slow on the wealth of their parents. According to them, the children do not know the pain that their parents went through in order to make the business a multi-million-shilling entity.
They also added that the children should also learn on how to make their own wealth and find their own path. This will help them to know that nothing comes easy and it is actually very tough and hard to create and maintain wealth.
They also challenged the parents to give their children the financial literacy that is required at their tender age so that they may know that nothing comes on a silver platter. They said that it is the duty of the parents to make sure that their children are financially literate.