The 19-year-old Ian Njoroge who was captured on camera in the video that circulated online while assaulting a police officer has found himself on the wrong side of the law after the court charged him with robbery with violence.
In addition to that, Ian Njoroge has also been charged with causing grievous harm to the police officer and resisting to be arrested. He was identified as Ian Ngige Njoroge who is a first year student at the Technical University of Kenya.
He was presented at the Milimani Law Courts before Principal Magistrate Benmark Ekhubi. He was also charged under the Traffic Act of causing obstruction to other motorists while driving. The charges stated that Ian Njoroge did not give way to other motorists when he made a U-turn along Kamiti Road at the Mirema Junction.
Aside from that he was also charged by carrying excess passengers. It was reported that he carried 5 passengers instead of four. He had exceeded the capacity of the vehicle by one passenger and therefore this is a traffic offence.
Ian Njoroge was also accused of disobeying the verbal directives that were given to him by the police officer when the police officer ordered him to drive his vehicle to Kasarani police station and he refused.
Ian Njoroge denied three accounts of robbing Corporal Jacob Ogendo a mobile phone worth 50,000 shillings, a battery of police communication gadget and also refusing and resisting to be arrested.
The charge sheet stated that Ian Njoroge allegedly pushed the police officerout of the vehicle nea Quickmart supermarket in Mirema.
His defense lawyers wanted him to be released on bond but the State Prosecutor Virginia Kariuki opposed his release on bond and stated that he was arrested on Monday and therefore the investigating officer needs to be given enough time so that he can present an affidavit explaining the reasons for bail denial.
One of his Ian Njoroge’s lawyers, ken Echesa said that they wanted him to be granted bail so that he can seek some medical attention because he was assaulted by the police officers who arrested him.