Kenyan Lady Who Left Boyfriend With 4 Days Old Baby for a Nigerian Man Finally Speaks Out

The lady who abandoned her new born baby with the daddy and left for her Nigerian boyfriend has finally spoken out. According to the lady, she became pregnant for her ex-boyfriend but she did not want the kid.

According to her, abortion was not the option because they did not have funds to do that. His man ad also lost his job and she was also not hustling as she is doing right now, so money was very scarce to even conduct the abortion.

She also said that she had told his boyfriend by then that he was not ready for the baby. She said that she still has a life ahead of her and she has a future that she needs to build. She told the then boyfriend that everything that will come out of the pregnancy will be on him but he never understood that statement.

According to her, she is now sure that the man now understands that statement. She also said that she has now gone back to her life and she is doing her thing. She never expected that the guy would come out and say that she gave birth and left him with the newborn baby.

The lady never expected that drama because according to her, she gave birth and gave the father the baby because she did not throw the baby away or even leave the baby in an orphanage.

She left the man and went to a Nigerian man who they knew each other with sometime back. The Nigerian man was her boss and he was very supportive, so he dumped the father of his new born baby and went to the Nigerian boyfriend even before healing.

According to the lady, the Nigerian guy was ready to wait for her until she gave birth and he was waiting for the lady to dump the baby daddy so that they can settle together. The lady added that the Nigerian man is okay with the whole situation.

The lady said that she is comfortable because she left the baby with the father. According to her, she is the one who is in control of her life and there is nothing that people can tell her to do that she will do because she is the one in charge of her life.


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