
Meet the Sleeping TikTok Couple Who Make Over 50K Weekly

TikTok has shown that it is possible for regular people to become famous overnight in the dynamic world of social media.


One such example is the extraordinary and unexpected rise to fame of Raymax and Maycee Ochieng, better known as “The Rays.”


Thousands of TikTok users are fascinated by a pair who became famous for doing something few would have expected: sleeping.


When it comes to making videos for TikTok, “The Rays” have pushed the envelope in a big way. Their novel idea is to broadcast themselves sleeping.


What started as a simple TikTok account for a couple to share their everyday moments together has grown into something truly spectacular. Three months ago, inspired by a fan’s comment, they decided to explore into the field of sleep streaming.


Maycee stated, “Our initial type of content was usual couple stuff – storytelling, singing, joking, etc. A supporter mentioned that I tended to talk too much and recommended that we give napping a shot. This is exactly what we did.


Their strategy, which consisted of sleeping together in close quarters, marked them apart from others in the same field. The couple’s lives were revolutionized by this transition in content production.


Their live streams started getting thousands of views, which resulted in a nice income for them. Since starting their business, the couple has increased their income to the point that they can afford to move out of Bombolulu, Kibera, and into a larger, more comfortable apartment with two bedrooms.


But there were difficulties unique to this nontraditional employment path. Maycee was fired because she had broken the company’s stringent social media policy.


But she now considers herself a full-time TikToker, and she and Raymax are living proof of the platform’s lucrative potential. Companies are even reaching out to them in hopes of receiving their endorsement.


Raymax stressed, “Imagine sleeping for almost six hours in one position because you have to face the camera.


When I need to stretch, I have to step away from the camera. As for the criticism from viewers who urge they get “real” employment, the pair has learnt to disregard it because their work is profitable.


Their loved ones have been quite encouraging, telling them to keep at it as long as it keeps them fed. The favorable attention that has been paid to “The Rays” in their community has been quite rewarding for the happy couple.


Raymax and Maycee, ever-optimistic, are not content to rest on their laurels. They hope that by expanding to other platforms like YouTube, they can maintain the interest of their current following.


Meanwhile, they are happy with their unorthodox content making them “the sleeping couple” on TikTok and demonstrating that success on social media can be found in the unlikeliest of locations.

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