Sultana Citizen TV Monday 30th January 2023 Full Episode



When Fatima arrives at the estate, she sees JJ wandering the halls in search of Asiya; she then finds Major seated and asks him why JJ was there and if he bailed him out, given that he poses a threat to everyone. Major, however, only smiles to himself; he refuses to believe the paper because he is certain that JJ is his son and the rightful heir to the estate.

Asiya tells Bi. Salama that JJ has contacted her from prison, and that she is furious with her for exposing Babu their huge secret. Bi. Salama is perplexed as to how JJ learned of it, but Asiya is confident that Babu revealed all. She mumbles that she went to his house to teach him a lesson but was surprised to see a large group of people already there. She wants Bi. Salama to kill Babu so he stops talking, claiming that the dead can’t talk and that she should make sure he dies.


Major worries if JJ’s time in jail turned him crazed like Ua’s, but JJ insists that, whether Major likes it or not, he is not Major’s blood. When Major sees that Fatima has taken the paper and is convinced that he was tricked, he becomes enraged and tells Fatima to shut up and return the paper. JJ tells Fatima to be quiet and stay out of it. Fatima tells them she has located the girl who has been harboring Buya and that she is on Bi’s side. Salama the whole time, and everyone is shocked as Ua listens in.

Dida sobs upon seeing her father in this condition, and Buya explains that this is his normal state and that he has been this way ever since he was attacked. Despite this news, Dida reassures her father that their hardships are over because she will use the money he gave her to start her business to find a nice place for them to live and to take her father to the hospital for a checkup. In this sentence, Buya tells her how proud he is of her.

When Fatima asks Major if JJ is his son, he refuses to accept the possibility and instead stands and asks Fatima to compare them, at which point JJ tells him that they are not the same person and that he knows Major wasn’t present at his birth and that Asiya and Bi are the only ones who know the truth. Ua says “Salama” and then takes the paper to the dining table, where she sits and laughs to herself.

Asiya grabs Bi. Salama by the throat and says she will do whatever it takes to deal with whoever is trying to harm her, to which Bi. Salama replies that Asiya has only herself to blame because she has always spoken the truth. A struggling Bi. Salama suggests a harmless plan of action.




Major doesn’t believe any of it, and he clearly recalls the day his son was born: Asiya had warned her that his wife was in a poor way, and she had recommended that they obtain Bi. Salama to assist Ua in delivering their child. There was a knock at the door, and Major had to leave his reminiscences with JJ to answer it. JJ had asked why Asiya had left after the phone call, and she was adamant about following her.

While on the beach, Sultana ponders why Kaka would betray her and what she’ll do when Kokan’s death is discovered, Maria, by her side, reflects on Buya’s departure and how she had hoped her life would be different in that place but now has nowhere to go. They’re all losing it and yelling at each other.

Major gladly invites Bi. Salama and Asiya to his home and explains to them that JJ claims that he and Ua are not his parents due to some proof from a DNA test. He then asks them to explain what happened the night he was born, at which time JJ pulls out the gun and points it at them. JJ reveals that the people of Ua have been through a lot, but they have always known the truth. Seeing that Asiya and Bi. Salama are obviously concealing information that could endanger their lives, Fatima urges them to come up. Bi. Salama decides to come clean, which causes Asiya to fear; she reveals that something happened the night Ua gave birth; she reveals that the infant Ua gave birth to died; and she reveals that they all knew how much Major anticipated for his heir. JJ is stunned by Asiya’s callous attitude. As Bi. Salama and Fatima try to intervene, Major reaches for Asiya’s neck.

Ua leaves the house while clutching a sheet of paper.

The two women, Sultana and Maria, embrace as Bi at the beach after the latter vents her frustration with life by saying she cannot run away because she has been running away her whole life. Ua takes Maria’s drawing and places it proudly on her chest as she looks at it with a smile.

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