Sultana Citizen TV Friday 27th January 2023 Full Episode



When JJ is released from prison, his father, Major, is there to greet him. Major asks JJ not to leave because he has brought the car, apologizes for locking him up and admits he made a big mistake as it was a stupid thing to do, but JJ stops him from calling him his son, saying that their relationship ended a long time ago and that he has never been his father and will never be.

The enraged Sultana is in a rush…


When JJ tries to take Major’s car keys while he’s angry, Major calmly reminds him that he shouldn’t drive while upset and suggests that the two have a talk. Major reminds him that despite being a dad, he is still a human being who failed to protect him out of anger, and that the two of them should work out their differences because living in competition serves neither of them.



When Babu returns home, he finds Zuu there, explaining that Mwanzele stole his medications during an attempt at suicide. Zuu sits down, and a stunned Babu joins her, asking for more details. He then demands that she immediately call Kokan and have him bring him more medication, but Zuu feels sorry for him. Babu tells her he can’t get up and around since he hasn’t gotten his strength back.

Fatima orders Maria to reveal Buya’s whereabouts, but Maria claims she has no idea because she abandoned him there. Maria is unafraid and ready to fight, surprising Fatima who has been threatened by Maria. When Sultana learns that Kaka isn’t at home, she is taken aback; Fatima feels that the two are trying to play mind games with her, adding that she will give them a lesson—but Bi stops her. In preparation for a battle with Fatima, Salama has arrived to help them, and Sultana has also put down her braille and folded it up.



Babu wonders why it took Mwanzele so long to figure out that Kaka isn’t his son, but unfortunately, Mwanzele is no longer with us to provide answers. They detect movement outside and make an effort to peek.

Fatima investigates the house further, but comes up empty; Bi. Salama then inquires as to whether or not she is content.

Mwanzele is going to see Kaka soon.

Fatima informs Salama and Maria that her patience is wearing thin and asks if they have seen any of Kaka’s possessions; Salama and Maria are both confused because Fatima has previously told them that Buya wasn’t there and that perhaps he has run away with Kaka. When Mwanzele arrives, he inquires as to where Kaka is, and Fatima pokes fun at his bald head, angering Bi. Salama, who then insists that she show proper respect. Mwanzele speculates about Kaka’s potential whereabouts with Buya.



Dida speeds along with her dad in the backseat while Mr. Halid thanks Saada for being patient while he mourned his wife. Saada replies that it was the least she could do, given how much her dad meant to her. After getting a phone call, she has to temporarily leave the conversation. Dida wonders whether she’s back, but Saada says she’s still working late and might come back tomorrow. Dida insists that things are bad since JJ has discovered a terrible secret that’s been kept from him for a long time, but Saada claims that she’s still working late. Saada wants to know the trick. Dida tells Saada that she is on the road, Saada asks her to leave JJ with someone, and Dida replies that she has left JJ with the person who urged her to take the journey and that she won’t regret it.





As soon as he and Major reach the estate, JJ grabs his dad’s revolver. Major tries to warn him that it’s a dangerous weapon, but he tells Major to shut up since he’ll handle the situation from here on out. He then points the gun at his father and demands the store’s keys; Major gives them to him without a fight. JJ storms in the house yelling Asiya’s name, but she is not there. When Major inquires as to his motives, he replies that Asiya has always been aware of what Ua has been going through and that is why he is on the hunt for her. Major’s surprised to hear JJ call his mom by her name, but JJ ignores him and heads outside to find Asiya.

A quick-moving, compact car on the highway.

When Buya comes to, he’s overjoyed to meet his daughter, Dida.

Once reaching Kaka’s house, Zuu finds everyone gathering and asks Mwanzele what’s going on. Fatima thinks Mwanzele is feigning ignorance about Buya’s cohabitation with his son. H tells her that he was unaware of the situation since he and his family had always assumed that Kaka had decided to live alone and that this was simply something that had to be accepted as a natural part of her maturation. Fatima threatens them and gives them a deadline of 24 hours to return her to her husband and daughter.

Dida asks her father if he’s hungry so she can bring him a snack, but Buya senses that something is wrong and intervenes. She pulls over and confronts Kaka about abandoning her and her father, but Buya begs her to forgive him, saying that he played a key role in Maria’s successful covert ops to hide the man. Buya is against abandoning Maria and doesn’t think they should have.



Maria returns to Bi. Salama’s with Sultana, Zuu, and herself after requesting a trip to the beach as a means of relieving stress. When Sultana’s mother asks her what load Kaka has left her with, she replies, “The whole issue of Fatima and Buya,” before laughing sheepishly and telling her daughter to follow Maria so that she doesn’t get lost. Asiya approaches Bi. Salama, breathing heavily and glaring angrily.

JJ takes the revolver and goes into the store, telling the clerks that Major and Asiya are to blame for locking Ua up because she isn’t crazy and they’ve been feigning ignorance about what she meant the whole time. When Major encourages JJ to get to the point, JJ explains that they disregarded Ua’s claims that she had given birth to a girl. After removing the chains from Ua’s legs, JJ frees her.

Dida buys lunch for the guys who accompanied her father to the restroom, pays the bill, and then returns to resume the trip.

JJ gives the DNA results to Major and asks for his thoughts on it. Even as JJ searches every room in the house for Asiya, Major just stares at Ua in disbelief.

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