Boni Khalwale Breaks Silence After MPs Vote to Impeach CS Mithika Linturi, Says What now Lies Before President Ruto


The Senator of Kakamega County, honorable Boni Khalwale has broken his silence after the National Assembly voted to impeach the Cabinet Secretary of Agriculture, honorable Mithika Linturi.

The vocal Senator said that the National Assembly has given President William Ruto a perfect opportunity to reorganize his Cabinet and demonstrate his commitment to the fight against corruption. He also congratulated honorable Wamboka who sponsored that bill and said that Kenya is now happy with that impeachment.

“By Impeaching CS Mithika Linturi, the National Assembly has handed the President the perfect opportunity to reorganize the cabinet and demonstrate his commitment to the fight against corruption.” Wrote Senator Boni Khalwale.

His statement meant that President William should now use the impeachment of honorable Mithika Linturi as a good example and he should use it to sanitize his Cabinet and reorganize his team well so that they can reflect what he stands for in relation to the fight against corruption.

There are several Cabinet Secretaries who have been accused of mismanagement of their Ministries and the Legislators have also sent tem warning that if they do not change, then they will face the music and they will be shown the exit door.

The Members of Parliament were given the opportunity to vote electronically after debating on the impeachment motion against CS Mithika Linturi and 149 of the Members of Parliament voted for the removal of honorable Mithika Linturi from his position as the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture. 36 Members of Parliament Voted NO while 3 abstained.