Beautiful Photos of Kenyatta University’s 51st Graduation Ceremony Held on Friday 22nd July 2022

Kenyatta University held its 51st Graduation ceremony on Friday 22nd July 2022. This was the first physical graduation ceremony after the outbreak of the coronavirus. The 48th, 49th and 50th graduation ceremonies were all virtual.

There are a couple of dignitaries who also graduated like General Robert Kibochi who is the Chief of Kenya Defence Forces. He graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy (Peace and Conflict Management) Degree and he became the first sitting army chief to do so.

The Chancellor of the Institution, Dr. Benson Wairegi gave his remarks to the graduands and he told them that their achievements during their study was made possible by theirhard work and determination.

It’s always not easy to toil and make it to the graduation list. The Education journey is always characterized by a lot of challenges along the way. Some of the challenges are like lack of funds for both the tuition fee and even accommodation.

Most of the graduands were very happy because they finally made it after working so hard in school. They were also overjoyed because they finally got the opportunity to share the opportunity with their parents.

The graduands were conferred with their various awards and they now have the powers to read and write. They will now join other thousands of graduands in the job market.

We wish all of the granduands all the best in their endeavours even as they start a new life out of school. Life will nolonger be the same since the external environment is far much different with the school environment.

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